Friday, March 16, 2012

The rosary/prayer beads are concepts taken from paganism.

New conspiracy theory: Catholic church, Islam have secret agenda

By Abdollah Vakily

Posted 6 days ago
I am puzzled by the severity of the state of denial in which some people are living. It seems that faced with the inability to accept the obvious truth and undeniable historical and scientific facts, some people usually resort to the search for an alternative explanation. They, then, eventually find shelter in the illusory comfort of “discovering hidden truths” or “hidden secrets” offered by amusing conspiracy theories.
A few days after the first part of my recent column was published (Allah is the God), I received an email from a concerned individual who referred me to a website promising to have “a small item of truth as to the origin of Allah.” Moreover, the email promised that “the presentation is good, and the facts presented are irrefutable.”
To be honest, I had my doubts about this advice, since my past interactions with this individual had not been very encouraging. My doubts were overridden by some degree of curiosity when I saw the title of the reference reading “the-islamic-connection-to-rome.” I was interested to see what is this connection and how is it that we Muslims have been unaware of this. The website claims that “Professor Walter Vieth draws many connections between Catholicism, Islam and Freemasonry in the structure and practice of the ancient Babylonian religion.”  The notion of Islam being a revival of an ancient pagan religion is not new to me and I have been exposed to it before. In fact, there is a video on YouTube entitled “Islam worships a Hindu God?” which “proves” that “Allah is none other than the Hindu God Maheshvara.”
The connection to the Roman Catholic Church, though, was certainly new to me. Before I watched the referred video I found the summary of its contents published on the same site, and by looking at its main points I realized that I will be wasting my time if I expected to find any truth in that presentation, and that here we are dealing with a new conspiracy theory.
But it was after watching the video that I realized this is an amazing theory that goes beyond the wildest stretch of the imagination.
The gist of the theory is this: There is an inner group of occultists who pretended to be Christians and another inner group of occultists who pretend to be Muslims and are working together to achieve world domination. Both religions in their inner circles worship the same pagan god and are engaged in Lucifer worship.
As the main part of his evidence Prof. Vieth quotes a Jesuit by the name of Alberto Rivera and reports that, “Alberto Rivera claimed that Cardinal Bea, the Jesuit General, personally instructed him in the origin of Islam. According to Rivera, the Roman Catholic Church started Islam on purpose to take the Arabs under their control, and to secure Jerusalem.”
Some of the other “proofs” presented by Prof. Vieth included:
1)    “Roman Catholic Church and Islam base some of their doctrine on pagan traditions. For the Roman Catholic Church the traditions of a goddess, rosary, pope, relics, purgatory, transubstantiation, praying to dead people, and idol worship are all based on paganism. The Allah of Islam was actually a pagan god, and not even the major deity.
2) The Roman Catholic Church and the Islam require mandatory fasting.
3) The Roman Catholic Church worships, prays to and gives titles of God to Mary. Islam highly esteems Mary and she is mentioned 34 times in the Qu’ran.
4)  The Roman Catholic Church claims visions and apparitions in an effort to add false doctrine. Muhammad claimed to be purified as a child by angels. He claimed to receive revelations from Archangel Gabriel.
5) The Roman Catholic Church uses a rosary for their prayers, Islam uses prayer beads. The rosary/prayer beads are concepts taken from paganism.
6)  The Roman Catholic Church priest system (including Popes) has a history of sexual abuse of women and children. Islam has a history of (including Muhammad) sexual abuse of women and children.
7) Both religions believe in using FORCE to spread their version of one true god to the unbelievers.”
Watching the whole video and pondering about it, as well as looking at the related links, has left me with a great sense of puzzlement to see how far some people could go to avoid accepting apparent realities and historical facts. What I have to say at this point is that there is no limit to imagination. Peace.
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