Friday, March 30, 2012

Stop Lying and Worrying About Your Reputation - Tim Conway, alvin glombowski

 learn how to be self deceived
you can be an accuser of the brethren and "feel good about yourself"
there is a Roman Catholic App for that, be a brother of the holy cross, self importance and pride win out

how do you do that

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Father Guido Sarducci's offers a cheap education Boysville of Michigan

patrick j miron training / with Alvin Glombowski, roman catholic education

patrick j miron (religious zealot)

Religious zealot 175 up, 50 down

Usually called fundamentalists, these people tend to be the idiots that piss off atheists and lead them to be jerks in definitions like god and bible.

these people are oblivious to the obvious, and were ostracized from europe and russia, and sent to what is nowdays called the united states.
The USA is the proud home of religious zealots.
2. Religious zealot 128 up, 47 down

A person who has ruined religion by using it for his own personal gain and to make him seem like (s)he's better than non-religious people.
Mr. Ferguson from South Park. His famous song, "Merry Fucking Christmas" is very zealous.
3. religious zealot 23 up, 39 down

Anyone who takes a religious belief to the extreme and attempts to push their beliefs on others. The religion could be that of a strong atheist, or strong theist such as Christian but includes all deities. Both religions are beliefs. Atheism is considered probable by supporting evidence, but takes a leap of faith by considering it as fact. Theism is not supported by evidence, although a theist accepts all scientific evidence, but adds spiritual experience by taking a leap of faith that there is some sort of deity. Most people that don't push beliefs are agnostic, weak atheist, or weak theist.
You are just as much as a religious zealot as they are.

Pompous Ass Training with Alvin Glombowski

Pompous Ass takes their shot at a new jingle for Folgers

Friday, March 16, 2012

The rosary/prayer beads are concepts taken from paganism.

New conspiracy theory: Catholic church, Islam have secret agenda

By Abdollah Vakily

Posted 6 days ago
I am puzzled by the severity of the state of denial in which some people are living. It seems that faced with the inability to accept the obvious truth and undeniable historical and scientific facts, some people usually resort to the search for an alternative explanation. They, then, eventually find shelter in the illusory comfort of “discovering hidden truths” or “hidden secrets” offered by amusing conspiracy theories.
A few days after the first part of my recent column was published (Allah is the God), I received an email from a concerned individual who referred me to a website promising to have “a small item of truth as to the origin of Allah.” Moreover, the email promised that “the presentation is good, and the facts presented are irrefutable.”
To be honest, I had my doubts about this advice, since my past interactions with this individual had not been very encouraging. My doubts were overridden by some degree of curiosity when I saw the title of the reference reading “the-islamic-connection-to-rome.” I was interested to see what is this connection and how is it that we Muslims have been unaware of this. The website claims that “Professor Walter Vieth draws many connections between Catholicism, Islam and Freemasonry in the structure and practice of the ancient Babylonian religion.”  The notion of Islam being a revival of an ancient pagan religion is not new to me and I have been exposed to it before. In fact, there is a video on YouTube entitled “Islam worships a Hindu God?” which “proves” that “Allah is none other than the Hindu God Maheshvara.”
The connection to the Roman Catholic Church, though, was certainly new to me. Before I watched the referred video I found the summary of its contents published on the same site, and by looking at its main points I realized that I will be wasting my time if I expected to find any truth in that presentation, and that here we are dealing with a new conspiracy theory.
But it was after watching the video that I realized this is an amazing theory that goes beyond the wildest stretch of the imagination.
The gist of the theory is this: There is an inner group of occultists who pretended to be Christians and another inner group of occultists who pretend to be Muslims and are working together to achieve world domination. Both religions in their inner circles worship the same pagan god and are engaged in Lucifer worship.
As the main part of his evidence Prof. Vieth quotes a Jesuit by the name of Alberto Rivera and reports that, “Alberto Rivera claimed that Cardinal Bea, the Jesuit General, personally instructed him in the origin of Islam. According to Rivera, the Roman Catholic Church started Islam on purpose to take the Arabs under their control, and to secure Jerusalem.”
Some of the other “proofs” presented by Prof. Vieth included:
1)    “Roman Catholic Church and Islam base some of their doctrine on pagan traditions. For the Roman Catholic Church the traditions of a goddess, rosary, pope, relics, purgatory, transubstantiation, praying to dead people, and idol worship are all based on paganism. The Allah of Islam was actually a pagan god, and not even the major deity.
2) The Roman Catholic Church and the Islam require mandatory fasting.
3) The Roman Catholic Church worships, prays to and gives titles of God to Mary. Islam highly esteems Mary and she is mentioned 34 times in the Qu’ran.
4)  The Roman Catholic Church claims visions and apparitions in an effort to add false doctrine. Muhammad claimed to be purified as a child by angels. He claimed to receive revelations from Archangel Gabriel.
5) The Roman Catholic Church uses a rosary for their prayers, Islam uses prayer beads. The rosary/prayer beads are concepts taken from paganism.
6)  The Roman Catholic Church priest system (including Popes) has a history of sexual abuse of women and children. Islam has a history of (including Muhammad) sexual abuse of women and children.
7) Both religions believe in using FORCE to spread their version of one true god to the unbelievers.”
Watching the whole video and pondering about it, as well as looking at the related links, has left me with a great sense of puzzlement to see how far some people could go to avoid accepting apparent realities and historical facts. What I have to say at this point is that there is no limit to imagination. Peace.
Questions and comments may be addressed to

I was raised Roman Catholic but now I would best describe myself


For nearly 2,000 years and starting again today, Christians spiritually begin their 40-day Lenten celebrations to prepare themselves for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ during the Easter Triduum. Ashes placed on the foreheads of believers constitute an ancient symbol reminding the faithful of their human mortality (from dust to dust).

 It is also the visual cue to begin a serious period of prayer, reflection, fasting, confession and penance. This is a period dedicated to honestly assessing our sins and failings as humans and in our relationships with family members, friends, acquaintances, and the totality of humanity.

I was raised Roman Catholic but now I would best describe myself as an agnostic “Cafeteria Catholic” who attends Mass less than a dozen times a year (including Christmas and Easter) for contemplation and meditation; to attend a few Weddings and Funerals; or just out of habit and a simple desire to be with other people on a Sunday morning in a place that doesn’t charge a fee to attend.

I will not count visits to Roman Catholic Churches to enjoy the art, architecture or musical performances as those reasons can be shared by anyone – including non-religious or non-Catholic individuals.

I have had my fill of pompous, intolerant and arrogant Priests and lay Catholics whose admonished me that I was not a “real” Catholic because I did not believe (accept without thinking) every word of the Magisterium, the need for a celibate male clergy, the particular rules of sexual conduct, transubstantiation, contraceptive use, Papal infallibility, and other issues.

 I have often agreed with other Catholic doctrine with respect to the Church’s moral stand on treating all people humanely, justly, ethically and compassionately. This includes many Papal and US Conference of Bishops calls for universal healthcare, protection of workers and unions, being against Capital Punishment and pre-emptive wars, a need to globally regulate financial institutions and redistribute the wealth of our global oligarchy, and a long tradition of funding and operating many educational and healthcare institutions. Some of the priests I most respected for their dedication to God, the truth, and service to their neighbors and humanity, are now dead, retired, or have left the Priesthood in favor of other careers and the real human need for earthly companionship and marriage.

Having been called an “a-la-carte or cafeteria” Catholic, the same moniker could be applied to the vast majority of Roman Catholics around the world.

Some “conservative” Catholics hypocritically only follow the Church in matters of personal sexual conduct and issues surrounding marriage and divorce, but ignore all Church admonitions for more “liberal” ethics and moral governance over our political and economic lives.

If one investigates most major religions (Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Zoastrianism) along with the many denominations and sects within Christianity, there is a wide variation of practices, beliefs, interpretations, theologies, and ways of life. These variations and internal debates are more pronounced with religions that maintain clergies, hierarchies, or groups of academic elders of sacred texts who claim to speak for the entire religion. Sadly, most organizations (business, political and religious) tend to favor “group-think” and do not tolerate many alternative views or criticisms.

One great failing of all 3 Abrahamic religions is that they all give great weight to long internally-inconsistent sacred texts that beg for further clarifications, commentaries and explanations. All 3 theologies boil down to (1) love “God” (Allah, Yahweh, or insert favorite name here) and (2) love your neighbors (fellow humans) as yourself – as the Rabbi Jesus succinctly summed up the entire Torah and His Ministry – which was reiterated by Mohammed in the Koran.

 Sadly, human beings have frequently killed each other over their religious texts and beliefs (feeling free to misinterpret their own and the other two traditions) and even what the word “neighbor” means. Hinduism and Buddhism do not suffer from textual worship and appear to accept a more universal “live and let live” attitude (from living life again and again all the way to Nirvana) because they are not prisoners of texts written by dead men concerning a supreme being whose existence cannot be proven or disproven.
During many long prior periods of human history and most noticeably during the last 30 years, a more sociopathic/psychopathic view of human existence has been advocated and practiced. This worldview embodies principles wholly contrary to the promotion of love, compassion, justice, tolerance, transparency, honesty, mutually-beneficial relationships, and other long-term attempts to improve the human condition on this planet. These ideals only favor the shallow short-term financial profit maximizing motives of a few. Ayn Rand is merely one of its last proponents whose writings have captured the imaginations of many selfish and delusional people in the U.S. and among our global oligarchy who want to justify their insatiable greed, unethical behavior and complete callousness towards the rest of humanity.

In summary, the Loving God and loving all your neighbors have been wholly rejected. If you have more money than “God” and believe only “you” were the cause of your financial success (despite key connections of family, friends, mentors and school buddies; hard work of employees; loyalty of customers, mentors, and business partners; bribing the right politicians for tax and special favors; plus sheer luck and inherited wealth) then a solely ego-centric worldview applies. The two new laws are (1) love yourself and (2) screw others before they screw you. This “theology” is far more entertaining, easy-to-pursue, and pleasing to greedy, compassionless, empathy-challenged, manipulative, materialistic, lawless, corruptible and highly-intelligent individuals who lack any consciences or souls.
This 5% of humanity now runs the vast majority of governments, economies, corporations and organizations around the globe to the detriment of the other 95% of humanity that in their eyes is just “sheeple” fit to be used, abused, and slaughtered for their benefit. These particular individuals are the direct causes of human misery, fraud, corruption, unemployment, un-payable debts, environmental degradation, and other crimes around the world. These actions (aka sins) of commission and omission by a few have been permitted to go unchallenged, unprosecuted and unpunished by our corrupt elected and appointed public servants in our broken political and economic systems. These representatives were charged with protecting the public good but disregarded that solemn duty in favor of power and money.

Our moral, ethical and religious leaders have been silent or distracted by other minor human failings. Those who have spoken up (including the Pope, Catholic Bishops, and other religious leaders in positions of authority)have been ignored or their message has been unclear, misinterpreted or discredited by those who support the new status quo. Too many citizens in the U.S. and around the world have simply acquiesced to this new world order due to their overall apathy, ignorance, fear, and irrational hope they may someday profit from this wholly perverse and lawless status quo.
We may have arrived at a point in our national history that the vast majority of people are completely powerless and incapable of stopping the sociopaths and psychopaths, who thrive in lawless societies where power and money make all the decisions. If all political, legal and constitutional avenues are closed to redress obscene levels of national income and wealth inequality; our perverse justice and health systems that treat people so differently based on their power and wealth; and our crony cartel economic system that minimizes the value of all human beings; then our society will eventually collapse by its own weight or by various violent means chosen by long-suffering citizens to overthrow their parasitic overlords and their political, social and business leaders. Eventually such a revolution may be viewed by many people as a reasonable and necessary assertion of justifiable self-defense against a lethal pandemic by a small number of humanoids without consciences or souls that are threatening the survival of humanity.

The overarching issues facing Americans in 2012 and over the next decade go far beyond merely such subordinate consideration of (1) choosing between our two bankrupt and corrupt political parties; (2) determining the “correct” interpretations of various religious theologies and traditions; (3) balancing the various old and unworkable economic and financial systems; (4) allocating funding levels for various governmental programs including contraception options; (5) how to use our Military and security personnel, infrastructure and equipment domestically and internationally; or (6) even how to deal with China. The fundamental choice for humanity is between perpetuating the status quo which is a world run by and for sociopaths and psychopaths, or radially altering our worldview to pursue policies that are principally designed to promote and foster our best human attributes and the mutual long-term well-being of 95% of the people who live on this Earth.
Submitted on February 22, 2012 by Marc Pascal from Phoenix, Arizona.

Lesbian Woman Denied Communion at Mother’s Funeral

Lesbian Woman Denied Communion at Mother’s Funeral: As her elderly mother was dying, Barbara Johnson lay next to her on the hospital bed, reciting the “Hail Mary.” Loetta Johnson, 85, had been a devout Catholic, raising her four children in the church and sending them to Catholic schools. At her mother’s funeral mass...

Testimony of a Former Roman Catholic

Testimony of a Former Roman Catholic


I'm a former Roman Catholic now for 17 years and can surely testify about the lies I was taught as a Roman Catholic, comfortable and appealing lies. Hard for those not raised Catholic to grasp how anybody with common sense can really place any faith in the traditions and rituals of Rome. The average Roman Catholic is downright ignorant about the roots of Catholicism and what it teaches in writing, not to mention Biblically ignorant! I say that charitably but honestly, it's just plain willful ignorance and laziness and refusal to move from that comfort zone.
My own family is still primarily Catholic, and I've shown them time and again factual secular writing (and catholic writing) and history about their beloved Catholic church that doesn't even faze them; they just refuse to believe the truth and sputter and get mad... Myth and tradition have a terrible hold on people, and God help you when you attempt to get through that to show someone the truth.

I should let you know I'm not perfect; I'm divorced for 10 years (my husband "didn't want to be married anymore") and have no children and have certainly had my ups and downs in the local church setting over the years since being saved, though I daily read from my King James Bible no matter what. 

I got saved shortly before we married. My husband had been raised Southern Baptist and was a good bit older than me and had been married before, but I'm sure now, had never taken God seriously (good husband material for a newly saved woman, right?) For a 28 year old woman, I should have been so much smarter than I was and more serious about my future and making the right choices, especially since I'd just gotten saved. He never shared my interest in the Bible and the things of God, though he would play along. I knew all this and married him anyway. I was very foolish and could only think about having children and just was not being honest about the whole situation and my part in it. Though I got saved in a small independent Baptist church, I left that and got married in a big Southern Baptist one, mostly to please others. To make a long story short, we had a very stormy marriage. 
I always worked outside the home (medical transcriber) and he never wanted me to quit work (I would have done so gladly) because he had a lifestyle he wanted to maintain and felt we needed to make as much money as possible. We grew further and further apart, and he spent longer times away from the home. We tried having children (he was never enthused about this), and I found I couldn't. He began to have severe health problems (heart surgery, etc.) which still did not work to turn him to God; he absolutely refused to consider giving up our big expensive home or his other "toys" we didn't need and that I never wanted. I was in church on Wednesdays and Sundays but living a lie to those around me and was miserable. We finally just agreed to call it quits, and when he asked for the divorce, I did not fight it. Our marriage lasted 6 years, and he moved on to wife #3 (!) and divorced her also within two years.

I've never seriously considered remarriage to anyone. I called myself saved but see now that I was not in obedience by marrying someone I knew would not be the right kind of husband in the first place. As a matter of fact, of course I was in defiance, wasn't I? Yet once married and had my ex-husband been willing to listen to anyone around us (his family, friends, the preacher), I would have been more than willing to stay married (I hated the thought of divorce). We did have some counseling but he wanted out. What a mess, huh? I see now one blessing was we had no children together to be harmed by all this, and while this was hard for me to take at the time, now I accept it and can thank God for the lesson and feel no bitterness (just sadness that I pursued something that was not right in the first place). That was all 10 years ago. I'm still a medical transcriber but now work full time from my home (I have a small one) and live a quiet little life, not always happy with my church life but try to be a help when asked. I do pass out tracts and try to witness. My folks are getting older and live nearby, and I do for them.

Thinking Back

I'd say I had a "normal" Catholic middle-class upbringing and family. I'm 45 now and the oldest of three, and we all attended parochial school. My folks were hardworking good people, not overly involved in church activities per se but in church on Sundays and holy days, and I was blessed with a happy comfortable childhood.

 I vividly remember my first communion and confirmation ceremonies, the May processions in honor of "our lady", my Girl Scout troupe (where we worked on our "Marian Award," a special project for catholic Girl Scouts - don't know if that still exists!), etc. 

 I truly have nothing but good memories of my years all through grade school. Our parish was building a new church building, and we had a beautiful big pipe organ, and I loved being in the choir and like most other little Catholic girls went through a phase of wanting one day to be a nun. 

Back then I never questioned what we were taught and happily accepted what the younger nuns would tell us about this new pope John (this was back in the early 60's) and all the "new changes" he was bringing about in the catholic church. I remember what a big deal it was when the mass went from Latin to English and the priest began to face the people. In particular, 

I remember being so fond of a little nun who would tell us about "our lady's" childhood and read to us about her from a book (more about this later).

I know now I lived in a closed world, really, in a basically catholic town and suburban neighborhood where everybody we knew and associated with believed the same way so that I never had much exposure to different ways of living or thinking (and certainly never once heard a single testimony from a real Christian in all those years!)

This began to change for me when it came time to go to high school. My folks had both gone to a business/trade high school and had instilled in us kids the desire to "get ahead" by working hard and getting more of a practical education, so unlike most of my grade school classmates who went to the suburban catholic high school, I attended the aforementioned high school where my folks went. I still went to mass on Sundays and holy days and to the CCD classes once a week (for catholic teens not attending catholic high school). I began to meet kids who had had different upbringings and for the first time found out that not everybody was Catholic (but strangely enough also had "good morals"!) I should say I was never afraid to think for myself (despite the fact that I knew the catholic church would prefer we Catholics not read those books not having the Catholic "imprimatur") and was a voracious reader and liked to write and keep a journal,

I started to get antsy at mass on Sundays, wondering why in the world the different priests I would listen to never seemed to have much of a lesson to teach in their sermons, and it seemed strange to me that most priests I ever heard would not even teach much about catholic doctrine but would tell football stories or make jokes (I was always more on the serious side, and this really bothered me).

Once I learned to drive, I began to visit different catholic churches on Sunday, hoping to find a priest who had more of a message, one who would stick to one topic and teach me something as I was sure not getting much from the rest of the mass and could not seem to "feel" the way I used to as a kid. 

My high school years passed this way as did my early 20's - I'd find a mass nearly every Sunday or holy day and attempt to "feel holy" during the service, pray the rosary and long litanies to "our lady" and other saints, give money to the church, do volunteer activities but was always hungry for something more substantial and that made sense, some straight answers. 

I'd talked to a nice older priest I admired, but he seemed embarrassed when I'd asked him questions about hell or other topics and would more or less pat me on the head and tell me not to be so serious, that I was a good person and just to continue doing what I was doing.

One Sunday (16 years ago now) I got brave and walked into a little independent Baptist church. By this time, on my own, I had collected some different bibles but had not truly read much from them. I had enough sense to walk into that church with one of these Bibles (don't remember if it was my King James version I had that day) and for the first time, I heard a man in a pulpit who spoke with authority and who had a book open in front of him.

 I was so impressed with this, the fact that everybody in the church had the same book and could follow along as he read and expounded on the verses, and I thought this was wonderful. It made so much sense to me.

 When he asked if there was anyone there who had never really asked Jesus to be their personal Saviour, I had no trouble walking down that aisle, I just knew I was hearing what I'd been hoping to hear for years and that I was in the right place.

I began to get more even more serious about what I read and couldn't get enough of my King James Bible. I remember feeling such joy as I read Romans 10:17 for the first time. "So then faith cometh by HEARING, and hearing by the word of God" 

 How can you get saved if you never get to hear the word, and how can you grow? Another one that affected me this same way was Romans 10:14 - "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him OF WHOM THEY HAVE NOT HEARD? and how shall they hear without a preacher?"

One of the first things I remember doing was trying to find that story about "our lady's" childhood and being puzzled about why there wasn't much in my bible about Mary. 

I remember being shocked that Jesus had half-brothers and sisters and that there was nothing in my bible about Mary ascending into heaven! I was given some of Matthew Henry's commentaries and also began to read more secular and factual history, what an eye opener.

 I got hold of Hislop's "Two Babylons," and that one really changed my way of thinking about Roman Catholicism and its origins, especially regarding the mother and child depictions, sheer paganism! 

Oh, and I also found a little book that I believe my favorite nun had read from concerning "our lady's" childhood in the public library one day a few years ago (sorry, can't remember the name of this one, but it was obviously not Bible!)
For me, one of the saddest things the Catholic Church has done and still does is to make Mary something she is not and to take the focus off our Saviour. Two verses that cut me to the quick when I first read them and that made me know instinctively that there was something not right about Catholicism - if I were being honest:

Jeremiah 7:18 - "The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the QUEEN OF HEAVEN, and to pour out their drink -offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger." 

One of the litanies I used to pray to Mary immediately sprang to my mind, and I also thought of the nuns in convents who support themselves by making communion hosts. This one really made the hair on the back of my neck stand up when I first read it; how could any honest catholic NOT see the roman catholic church here?

Or Matthew 6:7, where Jesus speaks of prayer - "But when you pray, USE NOT VAIN REPETITIONS, AS THE HEATHEN DO: for they think they shall be heard for their much speaking"  Again, I thought of the litanies and all the hail Mary's that make up the rosaries I used to say!

Hebrews 7:27: "Who needeth NOT daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this he did ONCE, when he offered up himself." The first time I saw this one, of course I had to ask myself: 

Then why do Catholics do this over and over again when Jesus did it once for all - why make it as though Jesus' sacrifice wasn't good enough? That's how I saw it.

I recently tried once again to witness to an old friend of mine, a very devout elderly Catholic who has a special devotion to "our lady." She also remembers the stories we were told as kids about Mary's supposed childhood and got furious with me when I told here those stories were nowhere in the Bible. 

So you see where a great deal of difficulty lies, that people would rather hang on to their happy childhood stories and memories and traditions than to hear, read and understand the plain literal truth of the Holy Bible, and how hard it is to tear people away from their love of entertainment and passivity.

My prayer is that those of us who have been saved by His grace out of the whore of Babylon can learn to witness effectively to those still caught up in the old stories and myths of Catholicism.

Now, about the "Christian" discussion and talk groups. 

Being a former Catholic, I was naturally curious about former-catholic websites at first. I found that when I would post to these groups (to be specific, the Roman Catholic Observer) I would get a lot of email from both sides, devout Catholics and those saved out of Catholicism.  

The eye-opener/snare for me about websites like this one was discovering that those saved (supposedly) out of Catholicism almost always turn out to be charismatic (they really do tend to conceal that).

 I noticed recently that this site (Roman Catholic Observer) seems to have been taken over by what I'd consider catholic sympathizers (but then again, maybe this site always was just that.)

The lesson I've learned is that most folks are not narrow way Christians (surprise, surprise!), and woe be unto you if you get serious about earnestly contending for the faith once delivered in the standard

"Christian" discussion groups, in fact, you invite a lot of nastiness from people who claim to be Christian and obviously never crack open their Bibles. So it is confusing at first, then you get discernment - you just learn not to fool with sites that are obviously not narrow way, which is most of them. I realize there are groups strictly for fundamentalists/KJV only but found these tend to be kind of exclusive and local and mostly male, naturally. And even there, 

I ran into a Baptist lady who home schools her kids and claims she "instant messages" as many as 200 people she considers "friends" every single day (I found that odd). The internet itself actually is worse than the TV, when you come right down to it, if you're not using it for the right reasons.

I dealt with one former Catholic lady my age recently, supposedly King James only, who still refers me to questionable sites (Hebrew roots/patriotic stuff) even after I found out she was speaking in tongues and had pointed out to her (among other things) that Catholics have been speaking in tongues for years and that in itself should have given her a clue that something HAD to be wrong about it (turns out she's also "teaching Revelations" at her church). 

Actually, she's one of the more friendly and well-meaning people I've corresponded with, but even with our having had a common upbringing, I can make no headway with her in regard to pointing out the strange connections that exist between some people and groups, and she claims to be KJV only. 

The Scripture that comes to mind when I really doubt myself  - II Timothy 1:7, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" - I like the "sound mind" part in particular.  

By depending on Christ and looking to God's Word for the answers to my many questions,  the Scriptures really did help make me see how lost I was as a Catholic in my "comfortable" rituals. The "word of God IS quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" - Hebrews 4:12. 
It's taken me years to get more narrow and obedient, and I still have a long way to go in my daily Christian walk. I don't know how much other women could truly identify with a lot of what I have to say with my being divorced and having no kids. But I guess if we're truly Christians, we're a peculiar people anyway in this world.
Copyright . All articles are the sole property of and Vicky Dillen

Thursday, March 15, 2012

DECEPTION (Catholic Symbols- Pt 25 cont...)

Evangelical to Catholic 2/5


Mike Gendron's lies and he wanted to see Pope Benedict XVI

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Old Nov 28, '11, 2:18 am
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Cool Mike Gendron's lies and he wanted to see Pope Benedict XVI

Divine Appointments in Europe

Our ministry in Europe was a huge success with many divine appointments and open doors of opportunity to share the glorious Gospel of grace. On our first day at the Vatican, I approached the Pope's residence to see if we could meet with him to talk about the Gospel and his strategy for ecumenical unity. The Swiss guard told me I could see him at noon (along with the other 500,000 people waiting to see him in St. Peter's square). It occurred to me that I have immediate access to God through one mediator but had no access to the pope because of one obstruction. Later, when the pope appeared at his window to "bless" the crowd, we were astonished to witness the misplaced and excessive exaltation of this man. Our hearts were filled with compassion for the many nuns whose eyes were transfixed on him as if he were a god.
As usual Gendron proceeds to lie and deceive his readers. Notice that like some politicians have done he declares victory without having actually achieved it. He can't tell us that he didn't know that personal meetings with His Holiness are scheduled far in advance. This is just another of his outright lies that he propagates as an attack on the Catholic faith. Is this the kind of Christian integrity that he should display? I think not.
During our tour of St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museum, we were taken back by the immense idolatry and paganism that is thinly veiled by a counterfeit form of Christianity.
Notice that he doesn't bother to detail this, probably because he knows full well that any Catholic whose remotely knowledgeable about our most holy faith would make him look like even more of a liar than he already does. For those of you who might not have seen it, I answer this sort of specious propaganda in an article on my blog called. Iconoclasm: Or: Catholics Worship Graven Images NOT
Clearly Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers from the light of the Gospel and the glory of Christ.
Any of you feel blinded? Any of you unbelievers? Odd...all the faithful Catholics I know are not only very strong believers and followers of Our Lord Jesus Christ, but can explain and defend what we believe and why.
We left with a greater sense of thanksgiving to God for delivering us from this kingdom of darkness into the glorious light of the Savior.
Hmmm, I seem to express that same feeling about coming home to the Catholic faith in My Testimony.
Many of the Catholics we witnessed to showed no interest in the Word of God because of their fierce and unbending loyalty to their religion. We were, however, encouraged by some who had a teachable spirit and expressed an interest in the truth we shared from Scripture.
Sure Mike, and just how much Italian do you even speak? More likely, he couldn't make himself understood and they were bored with this rude American anti-Catholic. Truth from scripture? Really? If it's so true then how come I've been able to refute so many of your newsletter articles with abundant scriptures and well documented Catholic teaching?
Response to Hard Questions to Ask Good Catholics (By Mike Gendron)
Refuting anti-Catholic tract: "Rome vs The Bible" by Mike Gendron
Refuting: "Is a Catholic Christian an Oxymoron?"
Refuting Mike Gendron's attacks on Eucharistic Adoration

We continued to sow the imperishable seed of God's Word in Naples. It was somewhat of a homecoming for me since I lived there 52 years ago while in middle school. At that time, as a devout Catholic and altar boy, I had what I thought, was a great privilege to meet Padre Pio. He was the stigmatist who bore the 5 wounds of a crucifixion and was recently named a saint. In his autobiography he said souls from purgatory would stop by his window on the way to heaven to thank him for suffering on their behalf.
As our merciful God set us free from this religious deception, we now pray that the truth of His Word will do the same for all the divine appointments He set for us.
And I will pray a Rosary and a Divine Mercy Chaplet (Please join me in this my Catholic brothers and sisters.) in thanksgiving that I am not deceived by lying men like you Mike Gendron and my intention will be the collapse of your anti-Catholic "ministry" and your final reversion by the mercy of God.
Dominus meus et Deus meus

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Old Nov 28, '11, 3:03 am
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Default Re: Mike Gendron's lies and he wanted to see Pope Benedict XVI

Originally Posted by Church Militant View Post
As usual Gendron proceeds to lie and deceive his readers. Notice that like some politicians have done he declares victory without having actually achieved it. He can't tell us that he didn't know that personal meetings with His Holiness are scheduled far in advance. This is just another of his outright lies that he propagates as an attack on the Catholic faith. Is this the kind of Christian integrity that he should display? I think not. Notice that he doesn't bother to detail this, probably because he knows full well that any Catholic whose remotely knowledgeable about our most holy faith would make him look like even more of a liar than he already does. For those of you who might not have seen it, I answer this sort of specious propaganda in an article on my blog called. Iconoclasm: Or: Catholics Worship Graven Images NOT
Any of you feel blinded? Any of you unbelievers? Odd...all the faithful Catholics I know are not only very strong believers and followers of Our Lord Jesus Christ, but can explain and defend what we believe and why.
Hmmm, I seem to express that same feeling about coming home to the Catholic faith in My Testimony. Sure Mike, and just how much Italian do you even speak? More likely, he couldn't make himself understood and they were bored with this rude American anti-Catholic. Truth from scripture? Really? If it's so true then how come I've been able to refute so many of your newsletter articles with abundant scriptures and well documented Catholic teaching?
Response to Hard Questions to Ask Good Catholics (By Mike Gendron)
Refuting anti-Catholic tract: "Rome vs The Bible" by Mike Gendron
Refuting: "Is a Catholic Christian an Oxymoron?"
Refuting Mike Gendron's attacks on Eucharistic Adoration

Irrelevant...And I will pray a Rosary and a Divine Mercy Chaplet (Please join me in this my Catholic brothers and sisters.) in thanksgiving that I am not deceived by lying men like you Mike Gendron and my intention will be the collapse of your anti-Catholic "ministry" and your final reversion by the mercy of God.

I do not know the guy but there are hundreds of people like him. They are the models of truth. Whatever they say is right, whatever people whom they dislike say is wrong. They are the popes of this world.

So, when they see a real Pope, they get mad...How would he dare to ask for an audience with the Pope? Because he sees himself at the same level...crazy...
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Old Nov 28, '11, 3:29 am
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Cool Re: Mike Gendron's lies and he wanted to see Pope Benedict XVI

Originally Posted by Pfaffenhoffen View Post
I do not know the guy but there are hundreds of people like him. They are the models of truth. Whatever they say is right, whatever people whom they dislike say is wrong. They are the popes of this world.

So, when they see a real Pope, they get mad...How would he dare to ask for an audience with the Pope? Because he sees himself at the same level...crazy...
Well this guy makes his living off this propaganda. This is a direct refutation of his latest email newsletter. In the same newsletter he printed the following email from a Catholic named Jenna. I kinda doubt that he published it all though.
Mr. Gendron:
As a strong Roman Catholic, I am incredibly offended by the way you attack my religion. I can assure you I am not "blinded by religious deception". What are you talking about, "Born Again?" We did it right the first time. We do not have to be born again. Your organization/cult is absolutely ridiculous and I can assure you that the next time a group of your cult followers come onto a Roman Catholic campus or church, they will not be warmly welcomed. We will be ready for you next time.
Jenna, Internet
Jenna, if you're out there and read this. join us here and we'll help you be prepared to answer his lies next time.

Here's a good start.
Dominus meus et Deus meus

Last edited by Church Militant; Nov 28, '11 at 3:42 am.
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Old Nov 28, '11, 4:43 am
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Default Re: Mike Gendron's lies and he wanted to see Pope Benedict XVI


Does he think he could get an audience with POTUS in an easier fashion???
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Old Nov 28, '11, 6:49 am
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Default Re: Mike Gendron's lies and he wanted to see Pope Benedict XVI

One of the truths about touring the vatican - which I had the previledge to do a couple of years ago - is that it leaves you feeling altogether quite small. I can imagine that this sense of smallness came as a bit of a shock to Mr Grendron, causing a reaction of denial & defiance. Which, ironically, is evidents that he really does think of himself as a small & insignificant man. Ah well, God bless & guide him to the truth!

BTW - I love the idea of Holy Souls on their way to Heaven popping in to say 'Hi' to Padre Pio

Last edited by philial; Nov 28, '11 at 6:49 am. Reason: typo
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Old Nov 28, '11, 10:27 am
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Default Re: Mike Gendron's lies and he wanted to see Pope Benedict XVI

Originally Posted by Church Militant View Post
Well this guy makes his living off this propaganda. This is a direct refutation of his latest email newsletter. In the same newsletter he printed the following email from a Catholic named Jenna. I kinda doubt that he published it all though.Jenna, if you're out there and read this. join us here and we'll help you be prepared to answer his lies next time.

Here's a good start.

What I love best is the "Jenna,internet"...

"Internet" is not a proper citation.
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Old Nov 28, '11, 10:57 am
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Default Re: Mike Gendron's lies and he wanted to see Pope Benedict XVI

there is something much worse on his website... a reader of his writes...
Dear Mike Gendron,
I am currently a Roman Catholic Sister and I am asking you to send the free publication that was offered on VCY America, Roman Catholicism: Scripture vs. Tradition. Please send it to my sister who will forward it to me in the convent. I cannot believe I have been a Catholic all my life, and a nun for 10 years, and never studied the church from the biblical viewpoint. God has now led me to study His word daily. I must tell you that the whole subject is becoming overwhelming. I do trust that God is in control and will show me the way to go. I know that He will do all things in order. I also know that God does not take our vows lightly.Please pray for me that I may find the right was to go, to set me free from the bondage of those things I no longer believe in. I'm almost 70 years old. This is really going to be a cross. But it will be worth it, if I can obey God.
Name Withheld
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It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching. - St. Francis of Assisi
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Old Nov 28, '11, 11:43 am
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Default Re: Mike Gendron's lies and he wanted to see Pope Benedict XVI

Originally Posted by ESMDHokie77 View Post
there is something much worse on his website... a reader of his writes...
Dear Mike Gendron,
I am currently a Roman Catholic Sister and I am asking you to send the free publication that was offered on VCY America, Roman Catholicism: Scripture vs. Tradition. Please send it to my sister who will forward it to me in the convent. I cannot believe I have been a Catholic all my life, and a nun for 10 years, and never studied the church from the biblical viewpoint. God has now led me to study His word daily. I must tell you that the whole subject is becoming overwhelming. I do trust that God is in control and will show me the way to go. I know that He will do all things in order. I also know that God does not take our vows lightly.Please pray for me that I may find the right was to go, to set me free from the bondage of those things I no longer believe in. I'm almost 70 years old. This is really going to be a cross. But it will be worth it, if I can obey God.
Name Withheld
(Edited) I don't trust anything that clown says, and the more of his stuff I read, the more I would put him on the same level as Jack Chick. It seems like he just makes stuff up and does crazy things to get a rise out of us. (Edited) It's really really sad.
It is love alone that gives worth to all things. St. Theresa of Avila

Last edited by Michael Francis; Nov 28, '11 at 12:57 pm.
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